(English) 2. KARLSKRONA

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Karlskrona is located in the south coast of Sweden on the Baltic Sea, 45 miles south from Kalmar city. The city center is located on the island called Trossö and has very good transport links among other cities by train, bus, car drive. Karlskrona is Sweden’s the sunniest city.

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Karlskrona city is made up of 33 various islands and has 25 nature reserves. Famous for the Naval museum, most visited museum in Sweden and archipelago, nominated by UNESCO which belongs to Blekinge Archipelago Biosphere Reserve. Karlskrona could be described not only as well preserved Naval town, but also holds the status of the World Heritage city, due to its impressive architecture, naval ground town plan since 1600s, historic fortifications of Bastion Aurora, eye-catching (churches) or buildings in the old town. The city can be perfectly explored by bike or walking, or take blue entertaining Minitag train if you travel with children – beautiful sceneries are guaranteed in the old town. Visit picturesque Björkholmen district (a district of shipyard workers and seamen), and romantic city port in the evening or participate in guided on spot.


Visit the Museum of the Navy. Explore marina area and the harbor with many cozy restaurants, bars, cafes with a romantic view of the sea, and you may try fishing on shore! Take a tour on archipelago by boat, with 14 possible pier stops and guided tours; later relax in Stumholmen bathing area – an idyllic beach for beautiful sunsets in the evening.

Legenda atrakcji

atrakcje lądowe
water attraction
bike attraction
food and accommodation