Park is in the city center of Plungė. Total area of Park – 58,3 ha. About 50 km from the Baltic Sea and Klaipėda. Tourism information center coordination: 56.042586, 21.815143 (WGS).

It is virtual educational – cognitive program and web page, which is applied for mobile devices and tablets. Tourist are invited for a walk around Plungė Park, full of strange and forgotten legends. The interactive tour “Plungė Smart Park” will help to find the cultural and nature heritage of counts Zubovas and dukes Oginskis, as well as particular signs of that time. Walking along the paths, created and cherished by the aristocrat family, visitors will find not only the most interesting trees and plants, but also will get to know more than 50 kinds of birds species and kinds of other animals. This program has three virtual tours: fauna, flora and cultural objects. All routs have a variety of visual, audio and graphic material, which will give possibility to immerse yourself in the history of the town


Recommendations for visitors:

1) It is offered for visitors go for a walk in Plungė manor estate. Plunge manor ensemble is one of the most beautiful estates in Lithuania complexes, often called Samogitia Versailles. The main objects: M. Oginskis palace (Samogitian art museum is situated in the manor palace), the Clock tower-orangery (it’s like a small version of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy), park gates, etc.

2) Visit Gandinga mound with lower ward and settlement. On the Goundinga mound stood a castle that was a crucial support point in the fights with crusaders in 13th century.

3) Visit Žemaitė’s memorial museum/Bukantė manor homestead. This manor homestead is known in Lithuania as the place where the writer Žemaitė was born.

4) Canoeing in Minija river. Tourists can visit Telšiai (it is a capital of Samogitia region), visit Lopaičiai hill-fort in Rietavas, which is an entire historical complex and a site thought to be an ancient Samogitian sacred place, filled with legendary rocks.

Attraction color legend

land attractions
water attraction
bike attraction
food and accommodation