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(English) IU136. STOLPE CASTLE

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An old castle of Stolpe is a residence situated at the southern end of the town of Stolpe in the Usedom Island, in the district of Vorpommern-Greifswald in Germany. 54°00′N 14°00′E.



This manor house was built in Renaissance style by Otto von Schwerin between 1575 and 1590. Very probably the building of the castle was partially destroyed during the Thirty Years’ War. Erdmann Friedrich von Schwerin rebuilt residence in Baroque style. To this day, the Baroque doors and the fireplace room have been preserved. Visits to the main house of the mansion are possible, an extensive exhibition with boards shows the history of construction and ownership. Since 2004, cultural events have taken place at Schloss Stolpe. Since 2001 the restoration of the manor house have been in progress, which has been funded by means of heritage protection and the European Union.