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(English) IU141. NEUSTRELITZ

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The small town of Neustrelitz – about 20.000 inhabitants – is located on a shore of a small lake in the ”Mecklenburg Lake District”.  Coordinates: 53°21′53”N 13°03′49”E.



When the castle of the regional duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz in the town called Strelitz burnt down in 1712 he moved to his hunting lodge at the lake “Zierker See”. There he initiated the construction of a new town called Neustrelitz (New Strelitz). The Neustrelitz Palace has been destroyed in 1945, but there are some buildings which give an impression of the character of the former center of the princedom of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. The most famous member of the family of Mecklenburg-Strelitz was Queen Louise, married to the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm III, when Prussia was defeated by the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte in the beginning of the 19thcentury.


The historical buildings of the town are in Baroque style, the “Marktplatz” (market square) with the “Stadtkirche” (city church) and the “Rathaus” (town hall) are worth to visit. In the “Schloßgarten” (palace garden) are the “Orangerie”, the Palace Church and two small Temples.Since 2015 the “Kulturquartier” in the center of the baroque city unites various cultural institutions of the region, including a museum documenting the history of the princedom.



Heritage  Class: [ C ]Cultural Heritage  

Subclass [MS]: Monuments and sites

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