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The station was established in 1992. It is located in Hel, main town on the Hel Peninsula, by the coast of the Gulf of Gdańsk. The station is a part of the University of Gdańsk Institute of Oceanography. Hel 54°61′N 18°80′E.



  1. Beach in Hel,


Hel Marine Station is open 24 hours a day all year round. The main task of the station is taking research on the open sea and its coastal zone, concentrating on biology and ecology of Baltic fish, mammals and protection of  rare species and biotopes in the Baltic Sea. Hel Marine Station is situated by the coast. The station is a national research center of marine mammals. There is a sealarium (aguariums and breeding tanks with seawater flow) where seals live, play, eat and are examined and medically treated. Nearby there are dunes and seaside flora with aromatic coniferous forests and plants under protection.


Hel Marine Station offers much of attraction. Visitors while observing the seals (playing with their keepers, while feeding or basking in the sun). can listen to the lecture of Baltic mammals. There is also a museum and exhibition of Baltic Sea mammals. After visiting the station tourists can take a walk along the seaside or through forests and dunes. It is also recommended to eat some freshly caught fish in one of the small bars along the seaside promenade.


Heritage  Class: [ N ]Natural Heritage  

Subclass [WL] :WIldlife