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(English) IU106. WEST ZEALAND

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West Zealand is a county in eastern Denmark in the west-central part of Zealand island. A seat of West Zealand is located in the town of Sorø. The county was formed in 1970 and in 2007 it merged into Region Zealand. This region covers the area of 2984 km2. Sorø GPS 55°44′N 11°56′E


  1. Sorø By Martin Nikolaj Christensen from Sorø, Denmark – Sorø Sø, CC BY 2.0,


West Zealand’s islands are very interesting and charming. They offer diversified landscapes. Sejerø, a peaceful place, with many tiny beaches for swimmers. Agersø and Omø, islands with beautiful, unspoilt nature, offer tourists nice walks on their walking paths. Nekselø Island, completely protected since 1951, a place of a special wildlife and countryside. There are many rare spices of flowers and animals. West Zealand is a place of fresh air, beautiful countryside with plenty of natural opportunities.


West Zealand is ideal for cyclists and hikers. The area is very easily accessible. There are many well signed routes, especially across the Odsherred peninsula. Kayaking and angling can be a real pleasure and water adventure on the Suså river and the Tystrup-Bavelse Lakes. Other possibilities are: horse riding, windsurfing, kitesurfing and sailing. Harbour porpoises can be spotted in the waters surrounding West Zealand, but taking a picture of them is not easy. There is a special center for harbour porpoises in Denmark – Fjord & Bælt Centre in Kerteminde, an aquarium where harbour porpoises are  medically treated, trained, and observed. They can be easily pictured there.



Heritage  Class: [ N ]Natural Heritage  

Subclass [WL] :WIldlife