8. Putbus – Lauterbach


Putbus is a town on the island of Rügen with about 4.400 inhabitants. It was founded in 1801 by Prince Wilhelm Malte zuPutbus, has been the cultural centre of the island and owns the certificate “resort town” since 1997. To the municipality belongs Lauterbach, located 2 km from Putbusdirectly at the coastline. In this place sea bathing was introduced to Germany and Lauterbach became 1816 the first seaside resort of the island.

Coordinate: 54°20′N 13°29′E


Putbus and its area belong to the UNSECO Biosphere Reserve Südost-Rügen. The landscape is gently undulating, nearly 90% are forest or agricultural land.

The founder decreed that all public buildings had to be painted in white colour and that every building – not only the public ones – had to plant at least one rose in front. Thus, today marketing promotes the town with the label “White Town” and “Rose Town”.

The 1818 built spa „Friedrich-Wilhelmsbad” in Lauterbachat the coast line is today a 5-star resort („HausGoor”), the building still shows a neoclassical front.


Nowadays the town attracts many tourists by the large Palace park which is presented as English landscape park. The old castle has been demolished in the 1950s, but the remaining Orangery, Palace church and Royal stables still document the historic relevance and power of this location.

The historic theater is one of the stages of the Theater Vorpommern and a venue for various cultural stagings during summer time.

The „circus” is a circular round about surrounded by white painted classicis buildings. It is the last uniformly designed circus in Germany. A tall obelisk is situated in the centre of the innersquare.

In Lauterbach is the biggest marina of the region and aside you find exiting floatinghouses to rent as cosy holidayapartments.

Attraction color legend

land attractions
water attraction
bike attraction
food and accommodation