(English) 10. Kayaking in Warnow river and Rostock citytour

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The Warnow river is the most water-rich river of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania with a length 151 km.



Kayaking in Warnow river starts in the Eickhof village and ends at Butzow lake (Bützower Sea). The length of the route is 20 km and it takes about 5 hours. During this canoe trip, depending on the  trip section you can experience middle mountain route with many obstacles of stone and trees, small rapids and stronger current as well as romantic and calm route or nice and quiet section, recommended to drive with children.

One of the most attractive and important cities on the Warnow river, worth visiting, is Rostock – Middle Ages town. The most important monuments of the city were concentrated in its former center – it is south of the port at the estuary of the Warnow river. These are: Rostock city wall and towers,University Square, Monastery of the Holy Cross, St. Mary’s Church,Church of St. Peter and Old Market Square, New Market and Town Hall.

It is also worth to visit a  Greifswald town located 107 km from Rostock and spend there a nice afternoon walking along the old town and visiting the port museum.


Source: https://www.naturdorf-eickhof.de/weg-zu-uns/,https://www.rostock.de/urlaub-freizeit.html,



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