(English) Wildlife Nature Trails

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Route Wildlife nature trails: Sandy beaches and rolling countryside in Österlen-Skåne & Blekinge with its Nature Reserve, unique islands of Ven and Ivö and the Mörrum River,  with its incredible fishing waters, entice wildlife lovers from around the world. Sweden has a dazzling variety of flora and fauna on offer and regardless of where exactly you go within the country, you are sure to be surrounded by beautiful nature. You can also discover some unique, special places for different active holidays whether it be fishing, hiking or biking.

There are many ways to get to Blekinge, there is a return train from Skåne (called Blekinge traffic and Skåne traffic depending on which way you are going) which is reasonably priced. You can also travel round this area by boat. Another way to get there is by road – it’s possible to rent cars and bicycles in many places along the route. On the way there you are presented with a wide choice of hotels and B&Bs, cafes, restaurants and local stores.

Route Concept:

In Blekinge and Skåne the scenery is beautiful with its forests, seas and watercourses that are one of a kind. You can enjoy stunning views as well as captivating wildlife – the flora and fauna are considered the best in southern Sweden. There are many opportunities for fishing and nature experiences for everyone in this beautiful landscape – in Sweden there is the ‘Allemanslagen’ (‘Everyone’s law’ – The Right of Public Access), which allows all members of the public the right to roam freely and experience the beautiful Swedish countryside. There are, however, some things you must keep in mind when you are out walking, camping, climbing, picking flowers or doing something else in the countryside – you must take responsibility for the footprint you leave behind.

You can read more about it here: http://www.swedishepa.se/Enjoying-nature/The-Right-of-Public-Access/This-is-allowed1/



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