The park covers an area of about 3.9km2. The 400 hectares include 80 hectares of the sea. Stenshuvud National Park is just south of Kivik, about 15km north of Simrishamn. The hill is 97m high and faces the Baltic Sea.


Stenshuvud National Park was formed in 1986 and is located in south-east of Kivik in Simrishamn municipality, Skåne county. Stenshuvud mountain itself consists of three peaks. The northern one, rising 97 meters above sea level, is the highest. To a large extent the area is covered with forest, hornbeam being the predominant type of tree. Older trees with broad canopies, such as beech and oak, remain from the time when grazing took place in the area. Today grazing livestock have returned to the national park, keeping the countryside open. The many different biotopes in the national park contribute to an abundant variety of flora and fauna. Many visitors trek up the hill to enjoy the view which is terrific when the weather is clear. Visitors can find sandy heaths, wet meadows, rocky coastland and beautiful sandy beaches. Below the mountain on the west side, there is a bog and alder marsh. The national park has abundant flora with some rare species such as barren strawberry, black spleenwort, sand pink, pasqueflower and immortelle. The sand heath is an unusual biotope. The ground comprises of sand only. During the summer the rare tawny pipit breeds in the heath. Billed as Skåne’s most exotic beach, it’s a magnet in the summer. The fine sand and shallow sea make it a paradise for families, but be careful and consider the currents when you swim further out. There are information boards at all of the entrances where you can obtain a brochure and a map of the national park. In the park there is also a visitor center, the Stenhuvud Naturum, with exhibits. Knowledgeable personnel will be happy to tell all about the national park and visitors can book guided tours here. Most of the area is covered with broadleaf forest, especially European hornbeam. The park also contains heaths, meadows and swamps. Because of the mild climate and varied habitats, many different animal and plant species can be encountered in the park, which contains unusual Swedish wildlife such as the hazel dormouse, Eurasian golden oriole, European tree frog and agile frog.


1) Hiking or walking. There are different hiking trails in Stenshuvud National Park, all colour coded to make them easy to follow. Visitors can choose: a) Blue trail- about 1 km, 30min.; b) Red trail -2 km, 1 hour; c) Hellow trail – 4 km, 1 ½ hours; d) Orange trail 0,5 km, about 15 min.; e) Purple trail -3km, 1hour; f) Skåneleden trail (this trail takes you through the national park from Kivik in the north to Simrishamn in the south). 2) View from the top, 97 m high. The route to the summit is about 1km long. There are three vantage points there, and it is worthwhile to climb each of them, since they allow to see the coast from different and interesting perspectives. The way up is flanked by lush hornbeam forest and large oak trees. In spring the ground is completely covered with wood anemones.

2) Visiting Kivik Cider factory. Kiviks Musteri offers guided tours of Äpplets Hus, the orchards and the gardens, etc. 3) Visiting mysterious place – Kiviksgraven. 4) Visiting the dock- Vitemölla hamn.


Attraction color legend

land attractions
water attraction
bike attraction
food and accommodation