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(English) IU156. MÜRITZEUM

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The “Müritzeum” is a modern museum which presents information concerning the region in a multimedia-based information centre. It is located in Waren – a town of about 21.000 people – directly at the lake “Müritz” and the “National Park Müritz”.

Coordinates: 53°31′N 12°41′E


The town is the touristic centre of the region which attracts many tourists to the biggest lake of Germany as well to large forest areas of the national park.


Müritzeum is a nature discovery centre. It offers an impressive aquarium area: The largest one for freshwater fish in Germany with 50 local fish species in 26 basins. Further more there is an interactive exhibition dealing with “bird life”, “animals of the forest”, a time travel and other exciting topics.

The Müritzeum is also a “Welcome Centre of the region” to deliver touristic information for tourists.

WEB PAGESüritzeumüritz) (German language)