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Kociewie lies at the junction of two provinces: Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian. It is located on the left bank of the Vistula in the basin of Wda and Wierzyca, covering the eastern part of the Tuchola Forest. The Region covers approximately 3 100 km2. Around the Region you can travel by car, by train and by local buses.


Kociewie is the second largest (after Kaszuby) ethnically and culturally compact region of Pomerania. The capital of the Region is Starogard Gdański. The origin of the name „Kociewie” is variously translated by historians. Some of them think that it originally sounded „Gociewie” which is supposed to indicate links with the Goths who inhabited these lands in the past. The landscape of Kociewie consists of many diverse elements such as the Vistula lowlands, the Vistula valley, and hilly terrain. The region of Kociewie has around 340 000 inhabitants. The Kociewie dialect has a continental character and is considered to be the buzz of the Chełmno region and the Kujawy region. The customs and rituals preserved to this day are testimony to the old tradition, culture and folk art of Kociewie. Quite rich collections of household appliances, household tools, craft products and folk art Kociewie were collected in museums, for example in the Museum of the Kociew Region in Starogard Gdański and the Ethnographic Museum in Toruń.


Heritage Class: [C]Cultural Heritage  

Subclass: [CU] Cultural heritage events and sites