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Rostock Zoological Garden is the biggest zoo on Baltic coast in Germany. It is situated in Rostock, the north German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, GPS 54°10′N 12°13′E.





It was founded in 1899. There are 4500 animals of 320 different species. The area of the zoo is 56 hectares within Barnstorf woodland park. The zoo is proud of breeding and rearing animals from the Arctic and the northern seas. Rostock Zoo is studbook keeper of Polar bears within the European Endangered Species Programme.  There is also a great selection of trees and copses, e.g. 125-year-old giant redwood, an avenue of oaks, a rhododendron grove and a dahlia section. The Rostock Zoological garden is the only place in Europe with Darwineum, the innovative natural history discovery centre, that shows and allows to explore the evolution from the Big Bang to the modern human. It was opened in 2002 Darwineum is 20000m2 wide and is a home for 80spectacular animal species. Every year the Roctock Zoo is visited with 500,000 to 1 million tourists per year.